Jake Carskadon's Eagle Project

Post date: Oct 10, 2011 4:49:11 AM

On the 9/24 and 10/1, Troop 530 and friends gathered at Atfalati park in Tualatin to work on Jake Carskadon's Eagle project. The project was approved by the City of Tualatin, the Troop, and the Council. The goal of the project was to refurbish the wooden benches and trash receptacles around the park. 

For the first weekend, we sanded, power-washed, and rinsed everything. The weather was absolutely beautiful, and we had a great turn out. The only minor set-back was a swarm of bees who were living in a hive under one of the benches. Mr. Platter did the bee dance and managed to get the bench power washed anyway. Many thanks to those who brought power-washers, generators (for the sanders), and garden sprayers for the sprays. 

The second weekend was for painting. Since much of the Troop was staffing at Webelos Woods, we had fewer Scouts, but a number of friends pitched in and everything proceeded quite well. We managed to get everything painted and cleaned up by noon. 

Jake gathered donations for the materials, worked with the City, and managed to keep everyone working and coordinated even though they were working all over the park. Congratulations on a job well done.