Crew 530 Snow Caving

Post date: Feb 28, 2013 6:49:5 PM

Crew 530, which recently started up from Troop 530, went snow caving last weekend at Bennett Pass. It had dumped more than two feet of new snow the night before, so there was plenty of good snow. In fact, even with snowshoes, we were wading through the powder! 

We had 3 youth and 4 adults on the trip and we all had fun. Everyone stayed dry and we built 3 good snow caves. We did have a cave-in while building one of the caves, but it was a good lesson in the structural dynamics of snow and we managed to recover before evening fell. Norm Dannemiller, ScoutMaster for Troop 530 built a fantastic kitchen and fire amphitheater (see the pictures!). 

In all, we had a great time and learned a lot.